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The european national security VC

Europe's first Defence and National Security Venture Capital team dedicated to supporting applied DeepTech innovation for the UK, Europe and Allies.

Investing for a safer future

MD One- Europe's first National Security VC firm, was founded in 2021. The MD One team combines deep sector experience with an extensive Venture Capital track record.

With a flexible, founder friendly and agile approach to capital allocation, we partner with world class founding teams who deliver dual use technologies to commercial and governmental end users.

How we invest

Diverse Investment Scope

We invest in product focussed DeepTech businesses with strong commercial foundations, who have the potential to advance European and Allies National Security capabilities.

We are agnostic across a range of subsectors and technology types, and have invested in both Software and Hardware based companies, with NatSet, Enterprise and Defence backgrounds.

There is no requirement for a product or solution to have existing governmental track record.

Europe- UK- Israel

Focussing on geographies we know, we support businesses who were founded in Europe, the UK and Israel, or who have significant operational focus within our region.

Pre Seed - Series A

We are early-stage investors with extensive experience investing in Pre-Seed to Series A opportunities. Where possible, we seek to make follow on investments into two subsequent rounds.

Our investment style seeks to deliver significant value add to our portfolio, combined with a deeply Founder Friendly approach.

Latest investments


Founded in the UK, SatVu captures high quality thermal imagery and data which can be used to provide valuable insights for Industrial, Climate and Intelligence use cases.

Lab 1

Founded in the UK, Lab 1's powerful AI Platform collects and analyzes all exposed data providing clients with a single view of all data risk across their supply chain.

Latest news

Forbes Feature: Xtend

Aviv Shapira, XTEND co-founder and CEO, says that their hardware is a few steps up from what is seen in Ukraine.

An Interview with Lab-1 and Beauhurst

Beauhurst's Henry Whorwood and Lab-1 CEO Robin Brattel joined MD One in London to discuss market and sector dynamics.